09 May Calavera de Peggy Olson
Upcycled vintage map of Europe with a custom iron gate linocut printed on it....
Upcycled vintage map of Europe with a custom iron gate linocut printed on it....
Painted Coco, backyard chickens, barred rock, chicken, linocut, linoleum, art, watercolor, mixed media....
Vassar Genius, Oil on canvas, 36 inches by 48 inches, for David and Claudia Vassar....
Barred owl linocut print....
Odie linocut, block printing ink on acid-free paper, 8 inches by 10 inches, for Caitlin Robertson....
Mixed media linocut print with Sharpie pen....
Red block ink printed on paper....
Commissioned chickadee drawing and painting, mixed media piece Fifties Meets Foxxwood Countertops Final....
Eagle Owl block printing ink on acid-free paper 5 by 8 hi contrast....